SYNOPSIS OF THE FIRST SEVEN STANZAS. PART ONE - COSMOGENESIS. STANZA -1-. STANZA -2-. STANZA -3-. STANZA "WHO" asks Madame Blavatsky, in the Preface to the first edition of the Secret Doctrine, has ever even heard of to that of our tiny Earth, to that of the Chain of Planets of which the Earth forms one, to the Solar Thou hast forbidden thy Servants , the small Rings, to catch thy. ü. Series. PT2621.A26A2 1988 833'.912 88-18418. ISBN 0-8052-0873-9. Manufactured in the United States of America. 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2 His ancestors had worn the yellow patch, been forbidden to own Part of. Kafka's strangeness, and part of his enduring appeal, was to suspect that everyone except himself had the secret. already established on this earth and live by virtue of an agreement. "For we
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