

2008/12/26 Girard and ViVi are special government agents known as "Right Arms" whose job is to seek and destroy people who have become "infected." In this world, a weird virus that turns people into monsters has run rampant and the only way humanity can survive is to keep tight control on those who are infected. If the virus' symptoms appear, the person must be disposed of. It's a tough world where women 2018/11/13 神宿『お控えなすって神宿でござる』をバンドアレンジでカバーしてみました!お気に入り頂けたら是非コメントとチャンネル登録の方も KAMINARI GUITARS(神鳴ギター)は全ての製品がUSA製または日本製となっており、品質の維持に細心の注意が払われているのも、ブランドとしての方向性の一つ。高品質なものを適正価格で提供することを命題とした製品作りが行われてい Best of YouTube Music Sports Gaming Movies & Shows News Live Fashion Learning Spotlight 360 Video


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Girard and ViVi are special government agents known as "Right Arms" whose job is to seek and destroy people who have become "infected." In this world, a weird virus that turns people into monsters has run rampant and the only way humanity can survive is to keep tight control on those who are infected. If the virus' symptoms appear, the person must be disposed of. It's a tough world where women

Girard and ViVi are special government agents known as "Right Arms" whose job is to seek and destroy people who have become "infected." In this world, a weird virus that turns people into monsters has run rampant and the only way humanity can survive is to keep tight control on those who are infected. If the virus' symptoms appear, the person must be disposed of. It's a tough world where women

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